How to use reverse engineering to confirm patent infringement when other sources fail?
Where online literature fails to provide you enough evidence of infringement, reverse engineering could help you strengthen your case.
Cannabis Research: What’s happening? Who’s first? What’s next?
What approach top players are following, What's going on in cannabis beverages, microdosing, nutraceuticals, bio fuels, cosmetic products?
Biodegradable Packaging
How patent analytics can help organizations solve technical problems and hit their sustainability goals faster?
How to identify standard essential patents (SEPs) in your portfolio
Tips as to how we help our clients identify standard essential patents within their portfolios. These strategies will help you spot SEPs in even large portfolios of 1000+ patents, efficiently and effectively.
Building and Managing Your Patent Portfolio
Companies want to (and should) act the same way before filing patents too. But, since the process of getting a patent is not as easy as buying groceries or apparel, new companies are bound to make mistakes.

GreyB’s Webinars

Cannabis Research: What’s happening? Who’s first? What’s next?

What approach top players are following, What’s going on in cannabis beverages, microdosing, nutraceuticals, bio fuels, cosmetic products?

How to use reverse engineering to confirm patent infringement when other sources fail?

Where online literature fails to provide you enough evidence of infringement, reverse engineering could help you strengthen your case and extract maximum ROI of your patent.

Building and Managing Your Patent Portfolio

Companies want to (and should) act the same way before filing patents too. But, since the process of getting a patent is not as easy as buying groceries or apparel, new companies are bound to make mistakes.

How to identify standard essential patents (SEPs) in your portfolio

Tips as to how we help our clients identify standard essential patents within their portfolios. These strategies will help you spot SEPs in even large portfolios of 1000+ patents, efficiently and effectively.

Biodegradable Packaging: How patent analytics can help organizations solve technical problems and hit their sustainability goals faster?

How can you reduce non-biodegradable content in your packaging products? Better alternatives to plastics and other non-biodegradable content in packaging materials and products.

File Wrapper Analysis for Intelligent & Efficient Prosecution

Julie McConihay and William Morriss, both seasoned patent prosecutors shared their experience and techniques for using file wrapper analysis to stop the prosecution from going bad and limiting the damage if it does.

Strategies + tools to make IDS filing process free of hassle and cost effective

What are the various challenges in IDS management? How your law firm or corporate clients can be impacted? How to reduce the risk involved in IDS management?

FIT – Filing Impediment Tracker
BOS - A non-aggressive way to license & monetize your patents

BOS helps your sales team find prospects that would be willing to in-license or purchase your patents. BOS can incorporate your organizational structure and blend perfectly with your existing processes.

Strategies + tools to make IDS filing process free of hassle and cost effective

How IP law firms can boost their revenues and minimize their efforts spent on business development?

How TTO of Universities Can Increase Their Licensing Revenue?

The top tweaks universities need in their patent strategy, how to use big data to find and convince a potential licensee, how to find research areas that command max ROI.

4 Strategies to Monetize Patents Without Consultancy

How to save money on consultancy by leveraging the power of creators, utilizing power of crowdsourcing, harnessing power of contest, and using patent auction sites

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