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Fluoride for your teeth and EV battery

February 2, 2024

Did you know toothpaste ingredients might boost electric car performance? 

Argonne National Laboratory scientists have developed a new electrolyte for EVs containing fluoride- most commonly associated with dental care. 

Despite their vast differences, batteries and dental care both benefit from fluoride’s capacity to create protective barriers.

Electrolyte powered with fluoride salts and a polymer reduces electrode and electrolyte degradation in batteries and provides stable cycling—a long-term challenge with traditional electrolytes.

This means increased vehicle range, more economical, and safer EVs due to the non flammable nature of the electrolyte. 

It’s interesting how solutions to pressing problems can often be found in unexpected industries. Much like transportation finding answers in dentistry 🙂 

There are 7 new shifts in manufacturing that are making EVs smoother, cheaper and efficient. Find them here-

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